Cherokee Riders

4H is a confidence building, educational, fun activity for any kid. Growing up in 4H, kids learn social and emotional skills while making life-long friendships. Join our club!

4H Club

Why join?

Kids in 4H are statistically more likely to give back to their communities. Being in 4H not only gives kids a sense of community, but allows them to feel confident in what they do. Combining this with horses creates a confident kid ready to tackle whatever life throws at them. Joining a 4H club allows your kids to make friendships outside of school revolving around shared interests. From crafts to showing horses, 4H clubs offer a fun extracurricular for ages 5-19.


Cherokee Riders is home based out of HJ Sport Horses in Barry County, Michigan. You or your kids do not have to live in or go to school in Barry County in order to participate in 4H here. Kids from surrounding counties consistently join clubs in Barry County. Meetings vary year to year, but are typically monthly with riding workouts being weekly from late April-fair week. We also have a convenient Facebook group that has regular updates!

Have siblings who aren’t horse-crazed?

Fear not, siblings can easily join Cherokee Riders in addition to your horse kid, while showing whatever they want! Kids can just show crafts if they don’t want to show an animal. There is an option for the whole family!

What’s in it?

4H offers hundreds of classes for showing crafts, animals, and science projects. Getting involved allows for showing at point horse shows and at fair, which is typically the 3rd week of July.